The information contained and published in this website is provided as a public service by the Rutland Township and attempts are made to keep the information as current and accurate as possible.

The Township, its officials, employees and agents make no representations, guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability of the information contained in this site. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process or service by trade name, trade or service mark, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or approval by the township.

This website provides links to other websites of institutions or organizations independent of the Township. Those organizations are responsible for the information at those websites. The Township does not endorse, approve or control those websites nor guarantee the accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability of the information located at those websites. Use of information from those websites should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy.

The Freedom of Information Act provides that all messages received by the Township at this site become public records subject to disclosure under the Act. Users who communicate through this site are advised that all communications are public information and cannot be held in confidence. Furthermore, in accordance with its internal policies, the Township may periodically monitor communications at this site. Commercial use of material contained at this site is prohibited without the express written permission of the Rutland Township.